EchoQS Wallet

The Worlds first crosschain liquidity and transfers wallet powered by EchoQS Terminal and Network Shards

Crosschain Sharding

Utilize the EchoQS Sharding Network to connnect any 2 chains together at the contract assembly layer

Revolutionize Development

Develop Lightning Fast DAPPS and Services with the EchoQS Software SDK and bridge your service to all chains

About EchoQS

A Blockchain Revolution

Today, Team Echo and Interchain Group bring you the solution. Our project: EchoQS, emerges as a groundbreaking solution, introducing the world's first layer zero blockchain to revolutionize blockchain connectivity. EchoQS Interchain is a ZKRollup Based Optimistic Canary Chain running on Layer Zero. Unlike traditional blockchains, where one either provides the starting environment, such as Cosmos IBC or Ethereum EVM, or is an extension of a layer one offering, like Polygon, Binance SmartChain or Cronos, EchoQS Works above all layers as a connectivity path for direct contract to contract communication

Our Team

Alexander A.J. Frankland

CEO/CTO Team Echo / Interchain Group